Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Favorite Place...

So there’s this place...

on the roof of my Aunt’s house.

You can see the whole city of Bharuch.

I just go up there to think often times.

But tonight the sun had just set and clouds of magnificent colors surrounded me, and I looked up and saw the moon for the first time in India.

Petra and I danced in the moonlight as I sang her to sleep for a long time (she rested her precious little head on my shoulder and listened to my horrific voice in complete silence).

And for those brief moments…

I forgot about the pain, the sadness, and the heartbreak I’ve had in the past couple weeks. It all began to slowly fade...

For those brief moments, everything seemed right in the world.

It was my own little miracle.

One of those mysterious moments of peace in this broken world.

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